
Professor Claire White
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and
The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Princeton University
E-Quad, E326
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
whitece (at) princeton.edu
Link to: Curriculum Vitae
Link to: Publication List
Dr. Abdelrahman Hamdan, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
ah6833 (at) princeton.edu
Abdelrahman holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. His research focuses on exploring cement chemistry and structure-property relationships to develop and promote low-CO₂ sustainable cements using a science-based approach. Abdelrahman has experience in synthesizing highly pure cementitious phases such as C₃S, Ye’elimite, and calcium magnesium aluminosilicate (CMAS) glasses.
At Princeton, he is working on the development of multifunctional piezoelectric concrete through deliberate manipulation of the nanostructure of cement hydrates using an external electric field. Additionally, he is involved in the development of one-part alkali-activated calcined low-grade clay technology. To this end, he utilizes cutting-edge techniques such as Neutron Scattering and Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).
Dr. Michael James, Associate Research Scholar
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
michael.james (at) princeton.edu
Michael obtained his undergraduate Master’s degree in Chemistry and his PhD in Functional Nanomaterials, both from the University of Bristol (UK). He then held two postdoctoral research associate positions at Bristol, before working for the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Michael’s research interests include developing materials for CO₂ capture, renewable energy, and improving sustainability. His current research involves computational and experimental studies of layered double hydroxides for direct air capture of CO₂ and use of low temperature plasmas as a sorbent regeneration method.
Graduate Students
Debra Keiser (G5)
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
dkeiser (at) princeton.edu
Debra, a graduate student in the Chemistry department, earned her B.S. in Chemistry from Stony Brook University in 2019. As an undergraduate she performed research in the STEM education field before becoming a computational chemist and developing strong interests in molecular modeling. These interests led her to Princeton in 2020, where her current research focuses on atomistic modeling of sustainable cements using classical and quantum mechanical modeling methods as well as unsupervised learning techniques. Debra is also an active member of the Princeton Women in Chemistry group on campus.
Jordan Mravca-Bailey (G4)
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
jordanmb (at) princeton.edu
Jordan received her B.S. in Materials Engineering from University of California Los Angeles in 2021. Previously, her interest in sustainability led her to work at a technology company in the waste-hauling industry, which opened her eyes to the world of trash! This experience ignited her passion for sustainable materials and inspired her to join Dr. White’s lab.
Anita Zhang (G4)
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
yz3655 (at) princeton.edu
Anita Zhang graduated from Cornell University in December 2020, majoring in civil engineering and minoring in applied mathematics. During her undergraduate studies, she fell in love with doing research after she joined her faculty advisor’s lab, which studied earthquake nucleation mechanisms. Between undergrad and grad school, she worked as a structural engineering intern at a small, sustainability-minded civil engineering B-Corp, Taitem Engineering, in Ithaca, NY. She did many design calculations and performed some life cycle assessments for past and ongoing projects. She has also completed two summer internships with Arup’s Advanced Technology and Research team in New York City, where she conducted detailed floor vibration analyses, assessed natural hazard risks, and developed digital tools for internal use. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, singing with the Princeton Chapel Choir, and exploring nature and nearby towns with her friends.
Matthew Pekarcik (G3) (co-advised with Prof. David Graves)
mp6174 (at) princeton.edu
Matt is a graduate student in the CBE department and received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Penn State in 2022. His research focuses on carbon capture materials and low temperature plasma-material interactions.
Yangwoo Lee (G2)
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
yangwoolee (at) princeton.edu
Yangwoo earned his Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Seoul National University, South Korea, where he also completed a Master’s degree in multi-scale structural materials. His master’s research focused on sustainable cementitious materials, including the development of Raman mapping analysis techniques and the calculation of surface energies and chemical reactivities of these materials. His research encompasses the study of eco-friendly cementitious materials, such as unearthing the behavior of sodium alumino silicate (NASH) gels under geothermal conditions through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using the ReaxFF force field, as well as investigating grinding aids for alkali-activated cement. Yangwoo enjoys collaborating with other researchers, believing that teamwork enhances the quality and impact of research.
In his free time, Yangwoo enjoys a variety of hobbies, including running, going to the gym, tennis, swimming, surfing, rock climbing, playing the guitar, and reading.
Sophia Bergen (G2)
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
sb5213 (at) princeton.edu
Sophia’s research investigates the feasibility of using basalt as an aluminosilicate precursor for alkali-activated materials (AAMs) used as an alternative to Ordinary Portland cement to limit carbon emissions. Moreover, due to the composition and mineralogy similarities between basalt and lunar regolith, her project also explores the development of a “one-part” alkali-activated lunar regolith simulant (LMS-1).
Meddelin Setiawan (G2)
Research Commons, Garden Level at the Andlinger Center
ms8898 (at) princeton.edu
Medi earned a bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. Her senior thesis revolved around processing synchrotron-sourced high energy X-ray diffraction data with a goal to reconstruct granular crystallographic orientations. Now, she is working on characterizing and controlling the properties of 1-part metakaolin-based cements (AAMK). She believes AAMK will bring benefits to the concrete industry as a low-carbon, low-cost, and ready-to-use cement with compatible durability and performance.
Medi grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia, and she cares deeply about the decarbonization of the global concrete industry. She is motivated to contribute to the policies and standards that will aid industrial decarbonization, especially in developing countries. Outside her research, she enjoys travelling with her dear friends, doing long hikes, and eventually feeding herself with the wonderful and vast cuisines of the world. She also likes to cook, bake, climb, and tennis.
Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meddelin-setiawan-a272a9204/
Current Senior Thesis Students
Former Postdocs
Antoine Morandeau (2013-2015)
Ongun Ozcelik (2015-2018)
Nishant Garg (2016-2018)
Bastien Wild (2018-2021)
Kai Gong (2019-2020)
Sunxiang (Sean) Zheng (2020-2022)
Yige Zhang (2021)
Kumaran Coopamootoo (2022-2024)
Former Graduate Students
Catherine Eiben (Masters 2015)
Kai Gong (PhD 2019)
Kengran (Blake) Yang (PhD 2020)
Karina Alventosa (PhD 2022)
Eric McCaslin (PhD 2022)
Christine Pu (PhD 2023)
Maria Curria (PhD 2024)
Former Princeton Undergraduate Students
Jarred Mihalik (Senior Thesis 2014)
Clarissa Wilbur (Senior Thesis 2014)
Chris Gordon (Senior Thesis 2015)
Sean Coffers (Senior Thesis 2015)
Anna Blyth (summer undergraduate student 2015, Independent Research)
Daniel Shen (summer undergraduate student 2015)
Pelin Asa (Senior Thesis 2016)
Luke Buschman (Senior Thesis 2016)
Rachel Marek (summer undergraduate student 2016)
Theo Dimitrasopoulos (summer undergraduate student 2016, Senior Thesis 2017)
Tehila Stone (Senior Thesis 2017)
Bridget Zakrzewski (Independent Research, Senior Thesis 2017)
Sarah Wang (summer undergraduate student 2017, Senior Thesis 2018)
Lindsey Conlan (summer undergraduate student 2017, Senior Thesis 2018)
Solmaz Jumakuliyeva (Independent Research, Senior Thesis 2019)
Kimiko Marinacci (Senior Thesis 2019)
Christina Sue (Senior Thesis 2019)
Mileny Torres (Senior Thesis 2019)
Jae Won Oh (summer undergraduate student 2019, Independent Research)
Hee Joo Choi (summer undergraduate student 2019)
Chiara Nilsson-Salvati (summer undergraduate student 2019)
Krystal Delnoce (summer undergraduate student 2019, Independent Research)
Francesca Dimare (summer undergraduate student 2020)
Karl Jackson (summer undergraduate student 2020)
Isabel Rodrigues (summer undergraduate student 2020)
Katie Barnett (Senior Thesis 2021)
Carmen Chen (Senior Thesis 2021)
Emily Wu (summer undergraduate student 2021)
Bridget Denzer (summer undergraduate student 2021)
Brendan Kehoe (summer undergraduate student 2022)
Merry Hertan (summer undergraduate student 2022)
Daria Fontani Herreros (summer undergraduate student 2022)
Sijbren Kramer (summer undergraduate student 2022)
Frederick Hagen-Gates (Senior Thesis 2023)
Caleb Lunsford (summer undergraduate student 2021, 2022, Senior Thesis 2023)
Former Student Visitors
Thomas Berti (summer Masters student 2014)
Kristina Bennett (REU Program 2014)
Angela Mao (summer high school student 2014)
Kevin Shen (summer high school student 2014)
Will Christian (REU Program 2015)
Haley Mander (summer high school student 2015)
Jocelyn Tolpin (summer high school student 2015)
Maria Elia Natali (visiting PhD student 2015)
Jasmine Camacho (REU Program 2016)
Maya Ravichandran (high school student, summer/fall 2016)
Arne Peys (visiting PhD student 2017)
Juan Gomez (REU Program 2017)
John Torres (REU Program 2018)
Jiaqi Li (visiting PhD student 2019)
Christina Siakati (visiting PhD student 2019)
Ahmed Albelkawy (virtual visiting Masters student 2021)